"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.
St. Catherine of Siena
God created each person for a specific purpose and with a specific mission. How do I find out what that mission is?
Every saint in heaven once asked this question. Their path to discovering God s will was often frustrating and tedious, but their reward for perseverance is eternity in heaven.
In Discover Your Next Mission from God, author and retreat-leader Julie Onderko uncovers the lives of countless saints to show how they searched for and ultimately discovered God s will for their lives. By reflecting on the decisions, circumstances, and ever-guiding love of God in the saints lives, you ll come to a greater knowledge of how to see and live the plan He has for your life.
You ll learn how Maximillian Kolbe got God s plan wrong before he got it right. You ll read about St. Helena who persevered under the most challenging circumstances, including watching her son murder her grandson. You ll discover how St. Andre Bessette found his calling to heal physical afflictions through devotion to St. Joseph.
Time after time, Julie shows us, God doesn t call the holy and qualified. Instead, he calls sinners like you and me, lifts them up to greatness, and sets them out to do His will.
Read these pages, and you ll be armed with saintly strategies and examples as you begin the greatest adventure of your life. God is calling you right now, and He stands ready to fill your soul with the grace needed to achieve His mission for you on earth.