Prayers for Married Couples

Regular price $5.99


Couples marry intending to share everything. But what about prayer? Do you share your conversations with God?

Prayers for Married Couples helps you do just that. It contains over 75 prayers that express the hopes, the concerns, and the dreams of today's married couple. With this book as your guide, the two of you can share, aloud, prayers reflecting a rainbow of circumstances, including:
Let Us Learn to Love as You Do
Prayer for Troubled Times
Staying in Love
On Our Anniversary
Finding Time for Our Children
Accepting Our Failures

As author Renee Bartkowski says, “This is a book that can add a new and deeper dimension to marriage. It can draw couples closer together into a stronger, more spiritual union with God and into a more intimate, perceptive relationship with each other.”

Prayers for Married Couples is as helpful to “newlyweds” first exploring the opportunities for married prayer as to the “very married” looking for ways to expand and renew their prayer life together. It is an excellent gift book, too.